HYTAC®-W – Thermoset Syntactic Foam
Entry level of syntactic foam for plug assists in thermoforming
HYTAC-W is a syntactic foam formulated with an epoxy resin for short run or price sensitive applications. The material provides cost-effective, low thermal conductivity plugs for quick start-up times, great material distribution and improved surface appearance.
- Low heat transfer providing reduced warm-up times
- Improved material distribution compared to basic alternatives
- Low thermal expansion for better process stability
Available material sizes
Custom cut service
Get your HYTAC® material pre-cut in the dimensions that you need. Contact CMT Europe for more information about material and prices.
Standard size Rods and sheets
Ø 51 x 610mm
Ø 63 x 610mm
Ø 76 x 610mm
Ø 88 x 610mm
Ø 101 x 610mm
Ø 114 x 610mm
Ø 127 x 610mm
Ø 139 x 610mm
Ø 152 x 610mm
25 x 610 x 660mm
38 x 610 x 660mm
51 x 610 x 660mm
63 x 610 x 660mm
76 x 610 x 660mm
88 x 610 x 660mm
101 x 610 x 660mm
114 x 610 x 660mm
152 x 610 x 660mm
NOTE: Tolerances for material dimensions are ±1.5%